
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )

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( 2022 )


匹配条件: “ Elcio Rodrigo;Siqueira” ,找到相关结果约14829条。
Selection of new clones of linalool chemotype from genetic recombination in Lippia alba
Rufino, Elcio Rodrigo;Siqueira, Walter José;Marques, Márcia Ortiz Maio;Colombo, Carlos Augusto;Azevedo Filho, Joaquim Adelino;Martins, Ant?nio Lúcio Melo;
Bragantia , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0006-87052012005000019
Abstract: the aromatic and medicinal species lippia alba is vigorous and rugged native to the south america (atlantic rainforest). because it is an allogamous and self-incompatible species, natural populations have high morphological and chemical variability. this work had as objective to conduct a preliminary screening to identify new promising clones from a novel (recombinant) base population of lippia alba with regard to its agronomic and phytochemical traits, using the linalool oil or chemotype as model. the two superior linalool clones, obtained by collection, were used as controls. traits evaluated included: dry mass of leaves (dml), oil yield percentage (eoy%), oil production per plant (op), and linalool percentage (ln%). forty linalool chemotype clones were evaluated in three experiments, in a random block design with four replicates and four cuttings (clones) per plot. besides means comparisons, multivariate analysis was used in order to aid in the preliminary selection of clones. there were positive correlations from moderate to strong for dml vs. eoy%, op vs. eoy% and dml vs. op. linalool clones superior or similar to both controls were identified for the dml, eoy%, op, and ln% traits (univariate analyses), aimed at further validating experimentation. five distinct groups were defined in the cluster analysis (upgma), each containing subgroups as well.
Estimativas de parametros genéticos de caracteres relacionados ao vigor de estacas em Lippia alba
Rufino, Elcio Rodrigo;Siqueira, Walter José;Marques, Márcia Ortiz Mayo;Colombo, Carlos Augusto;Chiorato, Alisson Fernando;Azevedo Filho, Joaquim Adelino;Louren??o, André Luiz;Yamamoto, Paula Yuri;Martins, Ant?nio Lúcio Mello;
Bragantia , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0006-87052010000400002
Abstract: the species lippia alba, belonging to the verbenaceae family, is a vigorous wild bush with aromatic and medicinal properties. due to the presence of several essential oils, it is used among others, mostly in drugs and cosmetics, perfumes. the species is poorly studied and no genetic parameter is known to help breeding programs. the main purpose of this research was to evaluate survival (s%), branches length (bl) and fresh weight (fw), in three progenies. high heritabilities, (fm 90.2% - 94.5%; bl 95.2% - 97.1%), in the narrow sense, were observed in all progeny groups, except for s% (50.0% - 56.0%). genetic gains were similar for all three traits, strongly suggesting the presence of large genetic variability. additive genetic correlations were high (87.9% - 98.8%) and predominate in the phenotypic correlations (g% - 94.1% - 98.8%). despite the high environmental correlations, their effects on the phenotypic correlations were quite small (e% 1.2 % - 5.9%).
Heterogeneity of linalool chemotypes of Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E.Br., based on clonal half-sib progenies
Bottignon, Marcos Ribeiro;Rufino, Elcio Rodrigo;Marques, Márcia Ortiz Mayo;Colombo, Carlos Augusto;Azevedo Filho, Joaquim Adelino de;Louren??o, André Luiz;Martins, Ant?nio Lúcio Mello;Siqueira, Walter José;
Scientia Agricola , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-90162011000400009
Abstract: lippia alba (mill.) n.e.br. is an aromatic and medicinal shrub native to the american continent. despite its potential as a source of essential oil for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, few selection and genetic improvement studies have been carried out. the aim of this study was to provide genetic information on this species for breeding programs, showing its selection potential, by investigating clonal half-sib progenies. the following characteristics were evaluated per plant: leaf dry mass (ldm), total dry mass (tdm), leaf yield (ly), essential oil yield (eoy) and oil production (op). estimates were made for the several genetic parameters including absolute genetic gain at 30% selection intensity, correlations and relative contribution of additive and environmental effects to phenotypic correlation. two experimental trials on 30 progenies were conducted: one in campinas, state of s?o paulo (sp), brazil, with two harvests of the aerial part, and one in monte alegre do sul, sp, brazil, with only one harvest. the trials were conducted in a randomized block design consisting of subplots with three replications, each plot (progeny) consisting of 8 to 15 clonally-replicated plants with subplot harvesting. variations were detected between progenies and harvests, as well as progeny/harvest interactions in the split plot experiment. high heritability and genetic gains were obtained at both sites for ldm, tdm and op. the lowest variations among progenies were obtained for ly and eoy, highlighting selection problems. negative additive genetic correlations were obtained for eoy × ldm, eoy × tdm, ly × tdm and ly × ldm. selection for ldm resulted in increased oil production per plant (op), even where there was a negative correlation between ldm × eoy.
Quantum bioethics: ethics for all beings
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-81232008000300023
Abstract: the present paper introduces elements for conceiving ethics for all beings based on the idea of laic compassion.
Os anéis da serpente: a aprendizagem baseada em problemas e as sociedades de controle
Siqueira-Batista,Rodrigo; Siqueira-Batista,Romulo;
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-81232009000400024
Abstract: the imperative need for modifying the brazilian medical education - aiming at the formation of a professional more capable to answer the population’s main health problems - has opened the possibility for the use of new teaching methodologies. in this scenario, the problem based learning (pbl) outstands as the curriculum structuring tool adopted in several institutions, showing as main characteristics the capability of fostering (1) significant learning, (2) the undissociated link between theory and practice, (3) the respect for the student’s autonomy, (4) the work in small groups, (5) the permanent education and (6) the formative evaluation. despite its indisputable leading position, pbl can be understood as a way to exercise power in the context of an emerging modus of social organization: the societies of control.
Plat?o e a medicina
Siqueira-Batista, Rodrigo;Schramm, Fermin Roland;
História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-59702004000300005
Abstract: medicine and philosophy are branches of knowledge that had decisive influence on each other in the time of ancient greece, shaping the development of both. a landmark of this interrelationship was the thought of the philosopher plato (427-347 a.c.), considered the greatest thinker in western tradition. the text discusses how platonic reflection reached into the most varied aspects of medicine in the philosopher's days.
A filosofia de Plat?o e o debate bioético sobre o fim da vida: interse??es no campo da Saúde Pública
Siqueira-Batista, Rodrigo;Schramm, Fermin Roland;
Cadernos de Saúde Pública , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-311X2004000300023
Abstract: this article discusses bioethical aspects of medical futility, focusing on some of its intersections in public health. starting from a demarcation of finitude in the core of the philosophical and bioethical debate on the end of life, we confront the contemporary criticism regarding medical futility with the ideas of plato (427-347 b.c.), a philosopher who proposed significant considerations on numerous features of the medicine of his time. we thus explore novel theoretic references to guide the disputes related to this essential problem, the implications of which are decisive to health and life.
Conversa??es sobre a "boa morte": o debate bioético acerca da eutanásia
Siqueira-Batista, Rodrigo;Schramm, Fermin Roland;
Cadernos de Saúde Pública , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-311X2005000100013
Abstract: despite extensive current debate on euthanasia, many open and apparently unsolvable issues persist, awaiting a better conceptual treatment. the area includes "prejudices and fundamentalisms" in relation to the theme, still viewed as taboo by a major share of society, specifically in the case of brazil, while semantic imprecision in the term and argumentative tensions surround the issue, focusing on the principles of sacredness of life, quality of life, and autonomy and the so-called "slippery slope" argument. the purpose of the current essay is thus to serve as a sphere of inquiry concerning euthanasia, moving from historical antecedents towards a better solution to the problem and the demarcation of necessary future perspectives for enhanced understanding of the issue.
A bioética da prote??o e a compaix?o laica: o debate moral sobre a eutanásia
Siqueira-Batista,Rodrigo; Schramm,Fermin Roland;
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-81232009000400030
Abstract: the bioethical debate on euthanasia (“good death”) has been classically polarized between the principles of sacredness of life - the argumentation against - and the quality of life, represented by the vicarious principle of respect for autonomy - the argumentation in favor. in both cases the question is built around the pertinence and moral legitimacy - or not - of the individual possibility to decide about the termination of one’s own existence, demanding for oneself a good death. undoubtedly, euthanasia always implies besides the self, the other, who will either carry out the action - or hold to non-action - culminating in the abbreviation of life. to propose a discussion about this last referred issue, based on the bioethics of protection theoretical references and the concept of laic compassion is the scope of the present essay.
Eutanásia: pelas veredas da morte e da autonomia
Siqueira-Batista,Rodrigo; Schramm,Fermin Roland;
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-81232004000100004
Abstract: this article sets out from the question: would a definition of the concept of death, which could be considered trustworthy and therefore consensual, be considered crucial for the moral legitimacy of euthanasia? it seeks to address this quest expounding on the problems involving the attempts of a scientific definition of death when this definition is necessary for ethical consideration related to the end of life, as it is the case in euthanasia or assisted suicide. the argumentation is based on hume's law which prohibits "values" to interfere with "facts" and on the evolutionary concept of scientific ideas arising from kant's famous distinction between the unknowable thing-in itself and the knowable thing-as-it-appears, which gives rise to a methodological conclusion: the incommensurability between the order of facts and the order of values, meaning that a definition of an event/process such as death can only be compared to the order of facts, and the same applies to values. furthermore, it seeks to delimit an alternative field for this discussion, which notwithstanding its limitations is quite useful for the bioethical argumentation: the principle of autonomy intrinsic to the order of values.

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